Saturday, 31 December 2011

Date & Time 01-01-2012 0000hrs (GMT +9) 
Position:- 07* 38’.4 S 121* 10’.5 E 
Course:- 268* 
Speed:- 4.5 Knots 
Wind:- WxN 15 Knots (Force 4 Moderate Breeze) 
Sea State:- Slight (2 to 3 feet, small wavelets) 
Weather:- Part Cloudy (up to 5/8ths cloud cover) 
Temp 81F 

Distance to go:- 1263 nautical miles 

Flores Sea. 
In the lower eastern quadrant of the chart you will findus south of P Kalao 
Island. This afternoon whilst on my heli deck stroll, in the absolutely blissful conbination of sun and warm breeze, I could make out the small islands of Kauna, and Kalaotoa to the north of us and I could see the classic shaped volcano top of one of the highest peaks on Flores. 
I also saw the first vessel in 9 days, a container ship heading in the opposite direction. 
We have made some some provisional amendments to our passage plan so the distance to go will seem to vary. We have also prepared a back up course plan for foul weather evasion as we come out of the Java Sea and enter the southern part of the South China Sea. Hopefully we wont need to use them and our current three day forecast looks good. 

The music today is a marvellous example of a virtuoso performance on the acoustic guitar with an echo delay box. 
The technical difficulty of getting the timing right so you can sing over what is a delayed echo of what you are playing is extreme. 

This is John Martyn at his absolute best with his voice as much of an instrument as his guitar. 

Cheers M'Dears 
and happy new years 

Friday, 30 December 2011

100 days

Date & Time 31-12-2011 0000hrs (GMT +9) 
Position:- 07* 11’.2 S 123* 16’.2 E 
Course:- 250* 
Speed:- 5 Knots 
Wind:- WSW 10 Knots (Force3 Gentle Breeze) 
Sea State:- Smooth  (1 to 3 feet, small wavelets)  
Weather:- Part Cloudy (up to 5/8ths cloud cover) 
Temp 78.5F 
Water depth 3650 meters
Distance to go:- 1340 nautical miles 

We have left the Banda Sea and are now on the eastern fringes of the Flores Sea.
It is much the same as the previous sea (wet and deep) although things are getting calmer every day. There is no discernable movement in the vessel now at all apart form the slight vibration form the engines
On the chart about 1/5th of the way up and to the left (west) of middle is the island of Andunara and we are about 70 miles north of that.

There is an unbroken horizon for 360 degrees and today marks the 9th day since we last saw another vessel.

Today also marks the 100th day I have been on board so only about 14 days to go before I get home and into the comforting and loving company of Mrs B.

The music of the day is one of my favourites and when ever I hear it I think of her.

Swearing (Good and Bad)


I believe swearing has a place in conversation (even polite conversation), although I will admit that the more devastating, and often hilarious, effects can be wasted and diluted by over use.
I am reliably informed by Mrs B that I swear a lot and she is probably right.
In justification that is probably a result of working for weeks at a time in a male only environment where inventing combinations of swear words (that would have a lexicographer agog in silent awe) whilst complaining about the companies we work for, is almost a rite of passage.

Swearing, when performed with imagination, thought, and used as a last resort where no other word will do, can be hilarious, inspiring and often the correct thing to do, but I do think swearing is wasted on youth.
I don’t mean wasted as in swearing at them, that’s fine and there are circumstances when it can be used to perfection, but I do mean when the young find their sweary stride and pepper every sentence with as many swear words as possible in the attempt to gain some street cred among their peers.
For some reason this squandering of swear words always sounds worse from young females.

The problem lies with the over kill and the lack of suitable vocabulary to back it up.
If you know someone who swears all the time, hearing them swear is mundane, however, if someone who never swears lets rip then it has a much more profound effect.

Here are two incidences of swearing, one profligate and one unexpected and joyous. 

The first happened on the way to Bridport after I had caught a bus and was happily sat minding my own business watching the wonderful scenery go by.
Four schoolgirls embarked and sat in the two seats in front of me and began gabbling away at each other.

To get the full scope of how it sounded you have to speak this out loud and  adopt a fairly high pitched, high volume, and high speed voice that only 14 years old girls can manage.
It must also be laced with as much of the “whatttevvva” attitude as you can muster and to make it totally authentic it needs to be done in a west country accent. (although you can insert any regional UK one and it will still work)

“Ear, right, like, I was down fucking Top Shop right. And like the fucking bitch that works on the fucking changing rooms gives me a fucking hard time right”
What that fucking blond bitch?
“Yeah like fucking right”
“What a fucking slag”
“Well yeah, right, so like, I say to her like, can I try these four fucking tops on like, and do you know what the fucking slaggy bitch says like?”
“What, like?”
“She says you can only take like three items in at a time,”
“No! What a fucking slag
“Yeah!!! fucking bitch slag”
“Well yeah, like, I am like, what the fuck, like. It's only one fucking extra fucking top and it’s not like I am gonna fucking nick sumfing is it, wot wiv the fucking slag fucking knowing like”
And she looks at me like all fucking snobby like and says, 
“Sorry but its the same rule for everyone, 3 items at a time” 
“Fucking bitch”
“Yeah what a fucking slag”
And I was like Duuuuhhh its only 4 items Duuuuhh you fucking stupid slag
And on and on and on for 10 minutes.
In the end I disembarked a stop early in case my brain melted and started seeping out of my cranial orifices due to the sheer unending repetition and banality of it.
Perhaps to 14 year old girl these things are important but in my opinion it is a waste of swearing.

Later the same week I had popped over to see if my mother in law needed any help as she was recovering from a hip replacement and was having trouble with her gas fired Aga (the two, hip and aga, being coincidental). 
I wanted to check she was ok for any lifting of dog food bags and chicken feed etc and some logs for the front room log burner.
She is a well spoken woman in her late 70’s who apart from a “Bloody hell” once in blue moon never swears.
It was a cold rainy grey day and when I arrived in her kitchen and said
“Aye Aye, How are you today”
 She relied with perfectly modulated English.
“I am fucking fucked off with all the bollocking fuckery of it all Bentley”
Seeing the amused surprise on my face she said
“Oh I can swear you know and so I should because those fuckering shit bastards at the gas company wont come out for another week and what am I going to do”.

Now that swearing was a joy to my ears because it was such a rare thing and wonderfully executed.
The use of “bollocking fuckery” and “fuckering shit bastards was an inspirational collaboration of words to a seasoned swearer like myself.
The only downside was that I felt like a dedicated twitcher must, when alone in the hide he spots a bird that only visits our shore once every 50 years, but he has no camera with him and no-one there to share or authenticate the moment with. I knew that when I shared the story with my wife she would think that either I was elaborating or that I had taught her mother to say it as some sort of practical jke hopoingh she would pop a "fuckering shit bastards" into casual; conversation the monthly bible group.  

As a parent I understand that you try to teach your children not to swear and to look for the alternative words, of which I admit there are a plethora, particularly if it is just gratuitous swearing, however I found it impossible to scold my daughter the first time I heard her swear. 
She was about about five and the whole family were heading home after a summers day trip to the beach with the roof down in our 2CV called Johnny Onion. 
I had decided to take the overgrown green lane that ran for a couple of miles from the back road to just opposite our house. The kids, as ever when clear of the main roads were stood up on the back seat heads out of the roof. 
The lane was deeply rutted but mainly down hill and Johnny Onion was coping well. 
On one tight and steep bit I had to go up the bank a bit and we bumped and bounced over a coupe of really deep ruts with the kids having on gamely in the back when suddenly she shouts out very seriously 
“For fucks sake daddy”
A perfect, out of the blue, well timed piece of swearing that was deserving of the laugh it received.

One way of swearing at someone, without using the words yourself, presented itself to my wife a few years ago.
The housing association house we were renting had a massive lawn surrounding us on three sides, so during the summer months we asked her mums gardener if he would be up for some extra work and mow our lawns once a fortnight.
(The gardener, his wife who he calls Fatso, and his son who he calls, stupid bastard, and how they ended up being the mother in laws gardened is the subject of future article but you can take it from me they are very real.)

There were the four of us  (the kids aged 12 and 10) and 3 cats and Jack Russell and we lived in a small three bed roomed ex council house (with large garden) on the outskirts (aren’t they always) of a very picturesque west Dorset village. 
I was at 8 weeks on and off and Mrs B was at college finishing her advanced counselling course  and teaching the basic course.  
The neighbour was on long term sick benefit, grotesquely obese, married with 6 kids ages 16 to 7 in the house next door.
He would be almost aggressive and bullying towards Mrs B when I was at sea and all sweetness and light when I was home.

One summers day the gardener knocked on the door to tell Mrs B he was going to do the lawns.
She cringed as she heard him shouting at Fatso to “Help me get the fucking mower out, you fat idle bitch and you just had well stay in the fucking van on your gert big fat ass cos it will only take 20 minutes and I can leave the cuttings on her compost heap.”

While the gardener was cutting the grass the neighbour returned from wherever only to find the gardeners van in his space.
Being the sort of cowardly bully he was he saw a woman on her  own so he waddled over to tell her to get the van shifted.
She looked up from the passenger seat and said “Fuck off you fat cunt”
Somewhat taken aback he puffed up his already bloated frame and with some indignation he said
“What did you say to me?”
She was out of the van in flash then right into his face and screamed
“I said fuck off, you fat cunt” which he promptly did, at high speed.
(I received that eye witness account from the neighbour 20 yards  down the road where we parked.)

Later in the day, when he must have deemed it safe to return, he knocked on our door, no doubt now trying to intimidate MrsB and blustered “You gardener’s wife called me a fat cunt”
Mrs B looked him shrugged her shoulders and said
then gently closed the door.

Oh how I love that woman.
The English (all of the UK) are without doubt the best and most inventive swearers in the world and we have a rich diverse and plentiful pool of words that can be used and bastardised to create some magnificent swearing.
One often unsung benefits of swearing, and something the UK has donated to the world, is that wherever I have traveled in the world over the last 35 years and been on the receiving end of unwanted hassling attention I have found that a direct, loud, clearly spoken and honest “Fuck Off” works wonders regardless of the country you are in or the country you are from. People just  know what a "Fuck Off" is.  

Swearing is a bit like taking drugs (wet or dry) in that if you do it all the time you wont feel the benefit of it when you really need it.
I would be sorry to see profound, serious, funny or well placed swearing eliminated from the language but I wouldn’t be sorry to see wasteful, lazy and pointless swearing go.

Love and Peace 
Date & Time 30-12-2011 0000hrs (GMT +9) 
Position:- 06* 31’.1 S 125* 07’.1E 
Course:- 250* 
Speed:- 4.2 Knots 
Wind:- WNW 15 Knots (Force 5 Moderate Breeze) 
Sea State:- Slight (3 to 5 feet, occasional white horses) 
Weather:- Overcast with drizzle (Cloud cover complete) 
Temp 78.5F 

Distance to go:- 1449 nautical miles 

The Bandu Sea 
The sea and wind conditions are slowly abating. The most noticeable is the sea state and the effect that has on the vessels movement. 
The bouncing and occasional slamming has now ceased and we just have a very lazy barely perceptible roll of about half a degree either way. 
This movement has a mildly soporific effect and leads to very restful, longer than normal sleeps. 
I usually get by with about 6 and half hours sleep a night but 7 and even the very rare 8 hours are not unheard of in these conditions. 
Always a joy to sleep so long when aboard, because as the adage goes “More kip = Less trip". 

Today’s music is something a bit off the wall, up beat, and zany. 
It may have you breaking out into some mad arm waving jiggy dance and lunatic screeching along with the chorus (or it might not Laughing ) 
I think the video is superb

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Flying Fish

Date & Time 29-12-2011 0000hrs (GMT +9) 
Position:- 05* 56’.5 S. 126* 50’.1 E 
Course:- 250* 
Speed:- 5 Knots 
Wind:- NW 20 Knots (Force 6 Strong Breeze) 
Sea State:- Moderate (3 to 5 feet, Waves forming with some white horses) 
Weather:- Cloudy (Up to 6/8+ cover) 
Temp 82F 

Distance to go:- 1608 nautical miles 

The Bandu Sea
The sea and wind conditions are much the same as yesterday with a steady 15-20 knot warm north west wind and slight chop on the water. It is the sort of weather that a yachtie would be very happy with.
I did see the islands yesterday and although they were only 8 miles away they were low lying and I couldn’t see any endearing features, even though the binoculars. It was a shame as it will be the last land we see for at least 4 days and I would like to have been able to report something of note.

Today's music is this wonderful live performance of a song about the end of a relationship and the bittersweet pain that comes with it. 
I think it fair to say that she has got a magnificent set of lungs on her and you can have all the flashy pyrotechnics, elaborate costumes and gyrating scantily clad dancers in the world, but when you can sing like that all you need is a piano.

Because we are so slow through the water I have missed one of my favourite sights at sea, which is flying fish breaking from the bow wave and gliding across the water.
A normal ship travelling at about 15 knots creates quite a significant bow wave which alerts the flying fish to danger. 
Their defence instinct kicks in and they use their slightly lobsided, but powerful, tail to launch themselves at speeds of up to 60kph from the water in an iridescent flash, then spread their wings (enlarged pectoral fins)  and glide a few inches (up to 4 feet) above the water until they perceive they are out of harms way. 
Due to their tail shape they are able to use it like at outboard motor when they get back close to the water and work it side to side to gain thrust and keep themselves in the air. 
I have watched them glide for over two hundred meters and thirty seconds or more out of the water.
The way the sunlight catches and glistens on their extended ‘wings’ and shimmers off their backs as they glide over the waves invokes an almost primeval feeling when you first see them.  

Often, in rougher or windy weather, they will end up on the deck of the ship because as they launch out from the bow-wave, in defense mechanism flight, the wind can get hold of them and whip them up onto the deck before they have a chance to correct, especially if your freeboard (the distance from the main deck to the waterline) is only two or three meters.

On my first trip to the tropics in early 1976 my job, as the most junior member of the crew, was to go out onto the main deck just before sunrise and gather up any that had landed for breakfast for those that wanted it. 
They look a bit like a blue tinged mackerel and taste similar although a tad more bony. The largest I have collected (and eaten) was just over 40cms long but normally they are about 20 to 30cms. 

There is a little more about them here with some pics

Love and Peace


Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Flammable Flags

At a football match, or any other sporting event, and in the immediate environs of the ground, I expect to see people carrying, waving and even, in some cases, wearing flags.
On public, or private, transport to and from the ground I expect, and am indeed heartened, to see the same thing.
It is in context, appropriate and in keeping with the event. It identifies the people involved as being supporters of whichever team, or country, and displays their allegiance to that team.

All fine and dandy and I have no complaint or issues about it.

Where I do take exceptional issue is when I am at an international airport and I see a family (heading or returning from holiday ‘not’ a sporting fixture) all decked out in matching England kit (or insert your own flag here) displaying the cross of St George.
I wonder at the grossly insensitive, thoughtless and pig ignorant mind set that thinks it is acceptable to display the flag of your own country when abroad.

Flags conjure up different and often heated emotions in various parts of the world, compared to the lackadaisical and often irreverent away in which the British public treats it flag.
Not many countries in the world use a likeness of their flag in such a disrespectful way as the brits seem to excel at, such as to do the drying up or wear flag underwear, in order to soil with body seepage and skid marks the symbol of their nation.
The populations of some nations fought hard and endured enormous suffering and sacrifice in order to be recognised in their own right as an independent nation, to be prepared to show such crass dishonour to those who had died in obtaining their own flag.
Flaunting your own flag when on foreign soil is an insult and an act of aggression towards the land you are in. It is akin to arriving at your destinations immigration desk and then dropping you pants, bending over  and showing them your arse, whilst shouting between your legs “pucker up and kiss that Johnny foreigner”.
It shows an utter contempt and disdain for the sensitivities, customs and history of where you are.  

Flags are planted on top of hills and buildings when a battle or war has been won; They are a highly visible and symbolic display of conquest of a nation and subjugation of its people.
Their significance is not to be taken lightly, or as a thoughtless fashion item, comfort / security blanket, or just brainless misplaced national pride for the wearer.
Flags are torn down, ripped to shreds, trampled on, urinated and defecated on, or burnt to ashes as a show of hatred to another country and its people.

The only people I have no issue with wearing their national flag when travelling are the Canadians, because hopefully it prevents them from the ultimate and most heinous of insults, which would be to be mistaken for americans.
Anyone could forgive the Canadians for wanting to avoid that ignominy.

Despite my dislike of flags and their ability to invoke unsavoury, nationalist fervour I have seen a good business opportunity.
There is sizeable niche in the market at the moment that is not being adequately exploited and I can see some juicy profits that are ripe for picking.

Every time you turn on the news and see some trouble hot spots, particularly in the middle and near east, there will always be a mob of angry people (usually men with beards) shouting frenzied slogans, which usually translate as castration or death to the infidel invaders from america England israel and others.
This shouting and running about by mobs is always, and I mean always,  accompanied by the burning of the flag of the offending nation.
This burning is normally followed by some stamping on the flag, often with some spitting and pissing as well. (The later events I assume are to put the flag out so they can be set fire to again at a later stage as it is often difficult to obtain a foreign flag in some countries.)

So ladies and gentlemen I present to you a fantastic opportunity to invest in my latest business venture “Flammable Flags” (or FlamFlags for short)

These are a durable flag made of a light cotton / polyester mix, infused with paraffin and come with a strong (and flammable) cardboard pole, that also doubles as the packaging.

The pole enables them to be first waved in a menacing and degrading way above the heads of the crowd to gain attention.
Neatly concealed in the corner of the flag is a small self ignition source (imbedded match heads and striker) so with one quick flick of a thumb and forefinger the FlamFlag will ignite.
The pole enables the flag to burn for longer without anyone getting their fingers burnt.
The paraffin impregnated cotton/poly mix ensures a steady and reliable burn, which also means that the FlamFlag can be lowered to the ground when fully ablaze, for some trampling and spitting, and then raised to the air again still afire and ready for more jeering and slogans.

Through a careful combination of chemistry and design the FlamFlag will burn for up to 8 minutes which is more than long enough to attract the attention of any roving TV crews.
The combustible cardboard pole is designed to burn after the FlamFlag has completed its process, which enables it to be throw to the ground for some more spitting trampling and perhaps some pissing.

I am also considering extending the range with the introduction of Ignitable Effigies. (IggyEfs for short)
These life like combustible effigies use the same simple ignition source as FlamFlags and come in range of world leaders, however the big sellers are expected to be Obama, Cameron Sarkozy Putin, and perhaps not surprisingly the still a hot favourites of Blair & Bush.
They all come with their own pole and can be dressed in a range of outfits including a tailor made FlamFlag suit for that ultimate protest pyre.

Don’t delay. 
Order your FlamFlags today 
(flags of all nations available discount available on block bookings)

At the next mass demonstration you attend don’t be left as just an angry face in the crowd, fire up a FlamFlag and gain the admiration of those around you     
and let your indignation ignite into a feisty flag fire.  

Date & Time 28-12-2011 0000hrs (GMT +9) 
Position:- 05* 18’ S. 128* 39’.1 E 
Course:- 250* 
Speed:- 4.5 Knots 
Wind:- NW 15 Knots (Force 4 Moderate Breeze) 
Sea State:- Moderate (3 to 5 feet, Waves forming with some white horses) 
Weather:- Cloudy (Up to 6/8+ cover) 
Temp 82F 

Distance to go:- 1723 nautical miles 

The Bandu Sea 
We are plodding along nicely now and the sea has died down to make the passage feel smoother. 
You may have noticed we retarded the clocks last night by an hour and will do the same again on the morning of the 1st Jan so we are then on the same time zone as Singapore. It has the effect of keeping the sunrise to about 0615 0630. 
The ETA now is 13th Jan for Singapore as long as we maintain 4.5 knots. The only problem we expect to encounter that could delay us is bad weather in the Java Sea that acts like a funnel bringing swell and choppy water down from the South China Sea. 
As we progress further west we also expect the easterly current to increase which may also hamper our progress. 

On the chart we are about 50 miles to the east of PP Penyu. 
You can find that on the chart just below the center and to the right. You will see the legend Bandu Sea – east of that are two reef island PP Masel and Pp Penyu. 

We will pass about 10 miles south of them later so when I am out having my afternoon, apres gym, sunbathing stroll on the heli deck I should be able to see them. 
(On the left and right of the chart you will find the latitude scale and each degree of latitude = 60 miles so you can work out the distance from that) 

I dreamt of Mrs B last night so the music track today is an easy choice to make. 

A perfect track to listen to when you are away from the one that you want to be with.

Monday, 26 December 2011

Date & Time 27-12-2011 0000hrs (GMT +9) 
Position:- 04* 39’.6 S. 130* 27’.9 E 
Course:- 250* 
Speed:- 5 Knots 
Wind:- W 22 Knots (Force 6 Strong Breeze) 
Sea State:- Moderate to Rough (2 to 5 feet, Larger waves forming with plenty of white horses) 
Weather:- Part Cloudy (Up to 5/8 cover) 
Temp 83F 

Distance to go:- 1869 nautical miles 

The wind has slowly decreased and backed to the west during the day and with it the wave height as well. 
Looking at the swell pattern earlier we expected to roll when we came onto the new course of 250* however were pleasantly surprised that we have just a gentle barely noticeable movement from side to side. 
We are still getting the odd slam from some slightly bigger seas head on, but the incidences are getting rarer and it is much less violent. 
All in all a lovely day for a sea passage. 

On the chart we are 35 miles east south east of Kepulauan Banda. That is below Seram on the left of the chart. 

As we came close to Watubel yesterday morning I tried to get some photographs of the islands to give you an idea of what they were like, but they just ended up as grey/green indistinct blobs. 
All I can say is that they look like you would imagine a large tropical island to look like. 
Irregular shape reaching up to a height of maybe 150 metres. 
Jungle foliage on the slopes right down to the shoreline and to the cliff tops in places. 
A couple of outlying reefs sending up surf, some rocky shoreline and some sandy shoreline. 
If you can remember the island from the Tom Hanks film Castaway, a bit like that but without the film crew. 
In the distance we could make out the distinct volacano-ish shaped mountains on the eastern tip of Seram. 

The music today 
When I used to fly back to the UK (heathrow) from wherever I had been on the ship I would always get a hire car and drive back to Bridport in west Dorset. 
For some reason it has been normal for me to land early morning so I would pick up the car and after adjusting the seat and mirrors I would tune the radio into R4 R2 & R1 for the journey. 
I would tune into R1 once the usual ghastly breakfast show garbage was over to see if there was any decent new music about, worthy of an album purchase. (It is pointless doing this on R2 as I already have all the Eagles and Dire Straits albums I want) 

I would often hear a good tune and make it my mission to visit the Bridport Record Centre to see if they had my new find in stock. 
They were /are used to me turning up asking for unusual or obscure or yet to be released tracks. 

I had driven straight to the music shop but had forgotten the band name or had it slightly wrong so I gave them my best rendition of the “Aoo Woo ooo” and the “Doctor Doctor I’m begging you please” bits. 
The boss and his wife (or should I say the boss and her husband) both looked at me somewhat askance, with that faint shaking of the head that means you are either a worse singer than we first suspected, or you have the tune all wrong, or we have never heard of it, when this young goth/emo looking girl who was browsing said “Oh wow that’s the new tune from the Zutons. The album isn’t out for another month.” 
I have to admit to a certain smugness when turning to the owner and saying 
“Ah yes I thought so. The Zutons. Order me one my good fellow, and have a shiny sixpence for your troubles” 

They also did this which the Winehouse girl went on to cover although I prefer the original

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Staying in Contact

When I am home during chirstmas (which has only been about 3 times in the last 10 years) I don't spend much time thinking about the people I haven't seen for a while as I am too busy being with the people I am with. 
Although Mrs B makes the effort with cards to old mates I have never sent cards and am not about to start. 
I like writing letters and the electronic equivalent but at the risk of sounding "bah humbug" I find the whole card thing to be one of the more pointless habitual duties that people perform at this time of year and a complete waste of time and energy. 

Never have I felt my spirits soar to receive a card (one out a bargain box of 50 for a quid) from someone who scrawls my name at the top (and their name at the bottom) of the impersonal message of 'seasons greetings' or 'merry christmas' printed in the middle. 
Why bother if once a year you cant find the time to write a few lines about how you are and whats happening in your life and to inquire after the other person. 

If this annual, hastily scrawled, reciting of names is the only contact you have, then is it even worth the effort of staying in contact, and what purpose does this vacuous form of non-contact serve either of you? 

Some would say that "its the thought that counts" and I counter with "What thought?" 
As far as I can see there is no thought involved in dusting off the address book and hastily scribbling your way though one bland, unimaginative card after another to people you haven't seen, or heard from, in a year or more. 

If someone cant spare me more thought than a random selection from a generic bunch of bargain bin cards once year, then it would be just as well if they didn't think off me at all, and save us both from the pointless charade. 
I think it is up to us all to question if we can, or want to, be bothered in putting some energy into keeping the contact alive. 

If through circumstances or geography it is not possible to spend much time in each others company (and whats the point of staying in contact with people, friends or family, that you wouldn't want to spend time with) then at least make the contact you do have be meaningful and informative. I think I am saying "show you care" 

Based on the above, and also because I am stuck in the middle of the 'oggin and have time to think about such things, to the people I haven't heard from (or taken the time and made the effort to contact myself) I am going through every one of my e mail contact addresses (that are not professional related) and writing a personal message saying I am thinking of them, and with some info about what I am up to. along with wishing them an enjoyable festive season and a good fortune filled year to come. I am basically letting them know that they are people I want to stay in regular contact with. 

I am only up to the D's and have already had a couple of "wrong addresses" back so I have deleted them. 
I am finding that this exercise in communication serves two purposes:- 
1- It will tidy up my electronic address book 
2-It will let the people I know, care about, and want to remain in contact with (but may possibly be guilty of neglecting that contact) that I am thinking of them personally and that I am making the effort to let them known that I do value their inclusion in my address book and in my life. 

I will let you know how it goes. 
Date & Time 26-12-2011  0000hrs (GMT +10)
Position:- 04* 26’ S.   132* 04’.4 E
Course:- 285*
Speed:- 3.3 Knots
Wind:- NW 30 Knots (Force 7 Moderate Gale)
Sea State:- Rather Rough (5 to 8 feet, Sea heaps up.  White foam from breaking waves beginning to be blown in streaks along the direction of the waves)
Weather:- Overcast (Complete cloud cover)
Temp 82F

Distance to go:- 1970 nautical miles

We continue to encounter strong head winds at a steady 30knots and this has been holding our speed back to 3 knots. The vessel has the aerodynamics of a concrete block.
Taking into account how the swell has developed we have decided to maintain this course because if we change to come down to the south west now, we would have the swell on out beam.
We are expecting that the swell will have died down in the next 18 hours by the time we reach our next way point.     
We are now 50 miles south east of Manawoka and our intention is to pass between Watabela and Manawoka and set a new course of 250 which will take us back down towards the island of Flores and our original track
Our location and intended alter course point are the small islands to above and to the left of the centre of the chart.

The music of the day are two tracks you can sing along too as loud as you can muster
The first is a  reminder to people who didn’t receive in their stocking what they may have wanted, not to despair as with a little effort you might receive what is required.

And I liked that so much I thought I would double up with this which is one of thoise occasions when a cover is bettr than the original and this has to rate as one of the best covers ever, just for the irony alone.