Monday, 31 December 2012

Bill and Gentley

So! Billy and Gentley.
Dream builders.
You dreamt of me
with your loose idea.
Your planned design.
Your grand design,
for a home to suit you.
You two,
who are one.

I am settled now
into my new skin,
my new bones,
my new me.
My soul is intact,
you made sure of that.
You two together,
you two,
who are one.

You have touched
every stone,
every timber,
you have touched my heart,
but can only guess
of those that
touched before you.
You two.
who are one
When you leave me,
even for an hour,
I call you,
I tease you
I miss you
I want you
and I know you hear.
You two
who are one.

Render me asunder,
then build me anew.
Render me inside,
and point me out.
Oil my beams,
old and new.
Store your joy in me,
I will return it to you.
Sand me
Soothe me
Touch me
Warm me
Be in me
Love me,
For I am you two,
who are one.
I am Billy and Gentley
I am love.  

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Badness & Spite

When I hear stories like the Thai property theft scam it just opens up a whole series of links in my mind that extend from general crime, to organised crime, to so called white collar crime and the sheer numbers of people out there who are willing to rip you off. It is to my mind the greatest malignant infection that the human race suffers from.
We have a bad case of "bad". I don't think there is a cure for it as it seems to be an inherent trait of the human animal, which is why such a large percentage of them are prepared to profit at other peoples expense. I include the smallest scam to global cons perpetrated by those in positions of power.
All one can do is bimble along with your life as best you can, being as honest as you are and being as vigilant as possible for the thieves that surround us day by day, be they bankers, a taxmen, politicians, pickpocket's greedy merchants or any other of the myriad of predatory badness there is.

I get a little irritated when I hear the phrase "Oh yes but there is a lot of good in the world" as it is often accompanied by other bleeding heart false hope and platitudes that mean nothing and are the verbal equivalent of hiding under the duvet when the mad axe wielding maniac bursts into you bedroom.
It is the 'meekness' of the statement that irks me so because, as any sane person knows, the meek wont be inheriting the earth or anything else. In fact if the meek do inherit anything there will be some bad bastard waiting around the corner to take it off them.

Some would consider my attitude to be cynical or bitter but I feel neither (well perhaps the slightest hint of cynicism) instead I think it is a realistic appraisal of how the world is and perhaps how it has always been.
I am quick to place many of the woes of the world firmly in the fault of rampant capitalism, which I still believe is a foul bane to human kind and it is only ignorance or vested interest that stops us form searching for a better way, however I see it as much the fault of the most dominant human instinct which appears to be greed. Plenty or sufficient is never enough and so it goes on.

It is because of that thinking that I can say understand (but do not condone) the badness that abounds in the human, which leads me to one of the things that I have really noticed this year and that is the staggering amount of "spite" some people possess. In some cases you can almost smell and see the bile oozing out of them as they seek to spread their vitriol and malice.

I have noticed it often in cyberspace on forum land, but also in proper real life and there seems to be no obvious reason for it. Some people are just plainly spiteful and yet if (as I did with some people I know earlier in the year) you suggest their actions or words carry some spite then they deny it by aiming their malevolence towards yourself, (thereby ironically proving your point).

I am sure there are many psychological reasons that spite would be related to or been nurtured by, things like youngest or middle sibling issues or spoilt childhoods or deprived childhoods, lack of emotional intelligence and role models with any, or as a result of some childhood incident that traps them in victim mode throughout life, or it could be like the greed and badness of some people, in that it is just an inherent trait of some parts of the human animal.

I marvel at the amount of emotional energy it must take to carry that amount of malicious mental venom around all the time, how it must taint every thought and occupy so much mind space that could be utilised so much more beneficially but for some it would, seem that their spite defines who they are.

One of the mysteries to me about people who live in "spite" is "what do they think it achieves"?
Surely it isn't much use as part of a life strategy because it is something that has to be nurtured and formulated and requires energy (mostly negative) to create and maintain, all of which seems like a tragic and dangerous waste of time to me especially where the object of their vitriol is either probably unaware, or in the worst case scenario, couldn't give a flying fuck.

The people I know in proper real life who I would class as spiteful tend to share the mannerisms of narrowing the eyes, pursing the lips, or tightening them into a line and clenching their fists when they are venting some spite, the really pus filled ones may even stamp their feet.
I have no idea what the web-spite mongers look like however I would bet a tenner to say they probably do the same, although they must unclench their fists sometimes in order to be able to type.

I say it dangerous because hanging onto or fermenting that amount of vindictive nastiness because the associated stress it induces can lead to illness which bizarrely and sadly would probably lead to more spite.
I think that, unlike the genetic trait of "badness", spite is an affected ailment and could be treated to relieve the carrier of the burden but the treatment has to come from, and be desired by, the person themselves.
They need to have a long look at what benefits they are getting from producing spite and if there would be any possible  improvement in their lives if they were to adopt a more gracious and benevolent attitude, even toward those that for some reason they disliked.
For most, who suffer with spite, it is probably far easier to do nothing, deny they are vitriolic and continue spitting their bile at those they harbour ill will towards, however perhaps the world would be a slightly brighter place if they made an effort.

Love and Peace



Friday, 21 December 2012

Scam artists that abound around the world

Ten days ago I was sat in the bar at T3 Heathrow and enjoying a couple pints of Belgium’s finest sleeping draught in preparation for my flight to Singapore, when a scouse chap (judging by his accent) asked if the seat at my table was spare and I indicated it was.
The normal airport social etiquette then ensued, whereby as he was the guest at my table the onus was on him to start any conversation overtures, the most common of which in airports is “Where are you off to?” and that is what he asked.
“Singapore, back to work” I replied “What about yourself?”

“I am just off back to Thailand to see the wife because I think I have just been scammed out of 130,000 pounds”. 

Eyebrows raised, I said “ I work with, and have done for many years, lots of blokes who have married out in Thailand and sorry to say it is something I have heard before, to a greater or lesser degree”

“I don’t understand it, as she isn’t a bar girl or hooker or anything. She is in her 50s and nothing special to look at and even has her own hairdressing business which is where I met her when I went for a haircut”

I couldn’t help thinking that whilst possibly an honest description of his wife it didn’t sound very warm and loving, so asked “Do you live there full time ?”

“Off and on” he says “but I come back to the UK quite often for business and had left her to sort out the sale of the house. It is great place with its own grounds and pool, just outside of the city and in a good area. Had it built a few years ago but we fancied a change but lately the market has been a bit slack.”

“So why do you think you have been scammed then? Did you buy it under the Thai law where foreigners are not allowed to own property so it has to be in the name of a Thai and she has flogged the gaff while you were away and done a runner with the cash? 
I ask because I know at least half a dozen blokes who that sort of thing has happened to, although to be fair they were in the mostly bar girls with one being a brochure bride“

“Nah” he said “If only it were that simple. 
I think she might have been stitched up by the local mafia who have been pulling this stunt for a while. On the other hand my suspicion now is that she may have done it herself. Like I said it has been on the market for a while and we recently dropped the asking price from 150 to 130 as we are keen to move and have had no viewings. 
I was back in the UK and shortly after the price drop two couple s came within a week to look and were sort of interested making offers of about 100. She said no thanks as we had only just dropped from 150 and would wait.

Then a very well dressed young Chinese couple turned up and made a big fuss about how much they loved the place and how it was exactly what they wanted and then offered the full asking price as long as she agreed, there and then. He said he had the cash so they could cut out the agent and proceeded to show her a briefcase full of money, which he said had come from a recent successful business deal. 

They said they were keen for a quick decision, although they did have two other places they liked (but not as much as this one) so if she was unwilling they would settle for one of those because they had to return in the next 48 hours for a business meeting in China. 

She said that she needed to check with her husband and phoned me. When I spoke to her she seemed so sure that all was good and it was the asking price I said OK.

Unbeknown to me he had explained to her that he didn’t have all the money with him there as the rest was in the hotel safe (they said they were staying at the Plaza Deluxe Hotel, which was the best hotel in the area with room rates up into the big big bucks,) but they still wanted a decision now. She said that I had agreed and they said why don’t we take you to the hotel for a drink and dinner to celebrate and we can sort out the lawyer in the morning . 
She thought she would be silly to let a full asking price offer go by and perhaps a bit carried away wit the moment and excitement of making a sale she agreed to go to the hotel with them to celebrate the deal . They said they would send a car for her later as they had some more business to attend to and left with hand-shakes and smiles all round.

A taxi duly arrived in the evening and they met her in the hotel lobby took her to the bar and started to have a few drinks. 
A few drinks became a few more and then they suggested that they eat in nearby restaurant that they could recommend and half sloshed she readily agreed. The restaurant was OK and still the booze flowed”

I had been nodding in the appropriate places as he had told his story so far but he could see me frowning in response to the last bit where she is now drunk and I said “right” with that “are you sure about this” or “I can see where this is heading” type of tone. 

He said ‘Oh it gets worse mate, I can assure you”

“So she is well p!ssed by now and they suggest going to a nearby casino. These casinos are often illegal and set up by the local gangs mafia etc and are here today gone tomorrow type operations, which being a local she should know, but flushed with making a successful deal and well drunk she thought it would be a good idea, although she said she had no money for the casino. 
'That’s OK" he said "I will lend you a thousand and you can pay me out of the sale".

An hour or so goes by and the woman of the couple says she has a bad headache and has to go back to the hotel but the man says he is enjoying himself and will stay. So with the chap at her side covering her bets she wins a little bit and then starts losing a bit and then a bit more and an hour later she notices that the bloke has gone. 

She leaves the table and goes looking for him and as she is about to leave the goons on the door ask her where she is going as she owes them the equivalent of 4,000 she says the man she was with was covering her bets, to which they started to get very heavy and said “What man?? There is no man here. You must pay before you leave” 
Obviously she didn’t have that sort of money so they made her sign a document which is like a legally binding loan pledge common with these set ups in Thailand and comes at an interest rate that would make even the directors of Wonga or Payday Loans flinch at. As she was drunk and confused she didn’t question at the time how they had a document with her name address already on it. 

When she woke up and remembered what had happened she took a taxi to the hotel to see the man and get the money to pay off her debt, but when she asked the receptionist for the room number of name on the business card she was told that no- one of that name was checked in the hotel. 
She asked for the day before and the day before that and the answer was the same ‘no-one of that name had checked in or out’. 
She gave a description of the couple both well-dressed wealthy looking Chinese early thirties and the receptionist gestured around the opulent hotel lobby of the expensive hotel and she saw that nearly 50% of the clientele fitted the description.

Realising she had been duped and rather than phoning me, her husband, to explain, she drew out of her business all the money she had which just equaled the debt, but took nearly a week to get and, when she showed up at the backstreet casino was told that the debt and interest was now 12,000.

She was distraught (so she says) and obviously didn’t have access to that kind of money so tried to borrow from friends and family but by the time she had reached the figure the debt had trebled again and by the time she phoned me to explain what was going on the debt was equivalent to the value of the house and because she had signed the document it was only a matter of time before they claimed the deeds.

Because this is a mafia style scam you can’t go to the police because they would have been bought off (its Thailand and that’s how it works) so I am going out to see if there is anything I can do. It’s not the 130,000 grand that bothers me but the fact that I am now concerned she might be involved in it as well”

I asked if she had ever displayed signs of being a gold digger or thief before this event and did he have other money in UK or elsewhere etc

He replied that he had plenty to keep him going and although she had never shown any signs that she was just after him for money before, he just couldn’t be sure now.

Knowing many first hand stories of white boys being taken to the cleaners in Thailand I said “Well there is not much else you can other than trust her if you love her and try and move on as best you can, You won’t be able to take on the mafia because real life isn’t like a Bond or vigilante movie is it?” 

He said “I don’t know what to do, I can take the 130,000 loss but it’s the principle and that she might be involved that I can’t get to grips with and I don’t know if I can ever trust her again. I am going down and will be staying in the house until hopefully we can sort something out or until we get thrown out. 
I will go to the police and report it but they have a document that is legal despite how it was obtained and I don’t have enough to bribe the police against the mafia and they also know I am not going to kill them or maim their children if they don’t do my bidding ” 

“Do you think she will be there to meet you at the airport” I asked

“I would like to think so but until I get there I wont know”

Noticing the time and my empty glass I said 
“I have to go and get my flight, I would wish you a happy Christmas but you might think I was taking the p!ss so good luck whatever happens mate and I hope it turns out well for you both.”

“Yeah” he said wearily ”Me too”

There will be more added to this in day or so

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Blog bastard bblah boom boom

Aye Aye m'beauties, well fuck my tall boots,
I drive a modern sophisticated multi million dollar ship in critical situations using pretty much up to the minute computerised systems as well as all the modern communication equipment that comes with, but can I complete the simple task and  become a follower of the blogs of other people that have linked to mine???
In the words of my building guru "Can I fuck as like", and it is driving me nuts.
I have actually managed to end up following myself, and as wonderful as I think I am even my ego has its limits and following my own blogs is way over that limit.

When I click on the "follow" button it comes up with some screen that asks me to sign in using an account I have apparently already created "doh doh doh- no I haven't " but it doesn't let me type anything or just sign in as this blog title.
I have gone blog blind now and system blind and simplicity blind and I cant see how to do it.
I have been reduced to a blubbering begging blog bastard  so please please please if anyone can explain to me simply and easily how I get "connected" to other blog sites then I would be very grateful and you may actually save my blog busted bruised bogbush of brain from melting.

I will sit by my computer waiting, occasionally twitching and suddenly bursting into the sort of giggling normally associated with the criminally insane and await the help I need.

Love and peace


Thursday, 13 December 2012

Aye Aye M' heartie's

Ahaaaar, Yo Ho Ho, Barrels of rum on dead mens chests, black spots from blind Pugh  and other assorted seafaring malarkey, I am back on board and despite my procrastination last trip of saying I would be blogging more and then not doing so, I really mean it this time.
I will also be starting a new blog on the number two renovation project (as well as copying the original one to a blog of its own because I don't want to get into  a scenario where I end up with a coven of the meek and easily offended  managing eventually to get me barred from the likes of French Entree and then me being unable to retrieve the work done on the renovation topic so far.)

I had an easy trip out to the ship this time with the first leg being a free upgrade to a Mercedes E class that needed taking back to Heathrow. Then utilising some of my air miles I upgraded to business class on the double decker A380 with Singapore Airlines.
Nothing better than a couple snorters of champers before take off and relaxing in seat bigger than some cars I have owned. The only trouble is that it spoils the rest of my journeys knowing it will be another year before I have enough air miles to upgrade again.
This was followed by a comfortable limo ride across the border form Singapore to Malaysia and after a bit of wait at immigration a 1 hour trip out to the ship by water taxi.
Total travel time from leaving Bridport was 28 hours and most of it was comfortable.

As I am working away over the forthcoming festive nonsense  MrsB suggested that she deserved some winter sunshine and picked me up on a comment I made many moons ago about her flying down to join me.
Being slightly obsessed with pressing on with the renovation, and having to be practically dragged away from it even to go into town for food, I naturally tried to backtrack uttering such feeble excuses as "the money for the fosse,  the electrics, the bath, the shower tray, the insulation, the plankton in the Adriatic swimming the wrong way etc etc.
All of my lame and futile excuses were met with the steely fixed gaze of a woman who was not going to put up with any of my old shite and who would be Singapore bound in January and it was just a simple case of me shutting up and booking the flight.
We did this a couple of years ago and had a fantastic 5 nights in Singapore over the Chinese new year so in late Jan MrsB will be boarding a flight for a 7 night stay and we may have an excursion thanks to Tiger Airways which is an Asian version of Ryan Air.

We will spend at least one night in the Marina Bay Sands Hotel so we can use the infinity pool which is 200 meters up and has the spectacular skyline of Singapore as a backdrop. We popped up there for a G&T last   visit but you have to be a hotel guest to utilise the pool, although MrsB is a bit suspect at heights finding even 5 rungs up a ladder a bit leg wobbly so I am not sure how close I will be able to get her to the edge, however she assures me I have taken her to the "edge" many times. Ha.

Check this out.

So that's it for now
Love and Peace