Monday, 9 January 2012

Date & Time 10-01-2012
0000hrs (GMT +8 ) 
Position:- 01* 47’.5 S 108* 38’.5 E 
Course:- 310* 
Speed:- 3.6 Knots 
Wind:- WNW 15 Knots (Force 5 Strong Breeze) 
Sea State:- Mod to Rough (up 12 feet Large wages with steep faces, some breaking waves with white horses prevalent)  
Weather:- Squally conditions with occasional driving rain
Temp 79F 

Distance to go:- 375 nautical miles 

South China Sea

We are 3 miles SW of the island Palau Serutu  
The wind has dropped abiut but the sea has a fair old fetch on it now with the continued regular monsoon squalls.
The motion of the vessel is still uncomfortable although a little improved and now we are moving away form where the sea narrows we are less influenced by adverse currents so we have managed toget up to 4 knots since midnight.
Our ETA at Keppel Dock Singapore is now late on the 14th if the weather doesn’t deteriorate.

The music today is one track from what is a wonderful album.
I first heard this shortly after I had got back from sea a few years ago and MrsB set me up on the sofa with a large glass of wine and said “sit there and stay there until the end of the album as I think you will love it”
I did as bid and am very pleased to say she was right.
If you don’t have The Story of O in your album collection may I heaqrtily recommend that you remedy that as soon as you can
Hard to chose just one track but this one does it for me

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