Saturday, 19 April 2014

Friday, 11 April 2014

New Site running

Aye Aye Landlubbers.
I have been developing a new website that incorporates all my blogs and malarkey
All future posts will be on there (been several updates already as I forced myself to understand tghe simple complexities of getteing a web site rolling that is fit for purpose.
If you enjoy my ramblings (or read them as some form of self flagellation) please go across and sign up and in future (if on the mail list) you will automatically receive notification when I make a blog.

Love and Peace

Thursday, 9 January 2014

New Resolution failed

Screaming Bollocks,
That’s right, great big sweaty screaming bollocks.
No mine just screaming bollocks in general.
I have failed at one of my resolutions for this year.
That was to stop wasting my time on obscure expat web sites arguing the toss, about garbage like the ghastly royal family, with anonymous people who, for some strange reason, seem to think they are a jolly good wheeze and rather top hole.
Life really is a bit short to be discussing these things that I would normally dismiss with a flick of the wrist, or raised eyebrow, and it makes it even worse that I am often discussing stuff with people, who although they have never spent time in my company, actually despise my forum persona and make it a point to take offence or affront at anything I write.
Those of you who know the more mischievous side of me will be grinning at that because it’s a bit like showing a red rag to a bull. It just spurs me on to stay engaged, knowing full well I am never going to help them see the folly of their ways, that they are never going to understand my rustic view of it, and I am likely to just enrage them by trying.
I will concentrate on not engaging, which is unnatural for me, however I will reduce my forum use which will afford me more time to engage on here if the opportunity arises.
Its not like giving up smoking, which personally I find as easy to do as starting smoking again, this is much more difficult to stop because of the social contact it affords me when I am away from Mrs Bentley. ( I know she will be raising her own eyebrow at that statement but it isn’t a cop out. What we couldn’t work out was how people find so much time when they are home to make loads of posts a day when for the 6 or 7 weeks I am home I doubt if I make more than one a week. I know full well how I get to spend time on the forums when I am at work but I am far to busy with life when home to be arguing with strangers and of course I have MrsB to be with )
When I am away time spent on a forum, even one where I am disliked by many purse lipped, tut tutters because of my outspokenness or feigned arrogance, can be enjoyable and its good fun to swap opinions (if for no other reason that to test my own) but writing just for oneself and possibly the handful of people who may read it on here is new to me. However it is a process I must go through if I am ever to get this book out of me.
Using my time engaging with strangers is not the most productive use of that time and time is the one resource that I realise I am now using more and more of, out of an ever shrinking reserve.
Note to self
Must spend more time on here organising my thoughts into new and coherent argument and less time using known and tested coherent argument on anonymous strangers.
Love and Peace

check out for new posts 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Website is launched

Aye Aye landlubbers
Amid no great interest at all to the wider world the long overdue website “” is launched at last.
This website is designed to combine the three blogs (My ramblings and the two building renovation ones) as well as a new miscellaneous section, into one easy to use website that you are free to share with whoever you like. 
As well as regular updates on the building progress I fully intend to make more postings in my general blog area and will be happy to engage on whatever subject takes your fancy, without having to conform to many of the more open public forums rules or netiquette, which seem to be designed with the aim of protecting the meek and easily offended.
I trust that regular users of this site will be a bit more robust in their argument/debating abilities and wont have an attack of the vapours and flounce of in a hissy fit if disagreed with at any stage.
It isn’t like a forum in the true sense of the word and is more a place where I will chuck my ideas and opinions out into the ether and you can either sit there read it and nod your head in agreement (or shake it in disagreement) or if you have the inclination you can take the time to type out your views on my views and how they differ or don’t as the case may be and perhaps we can argue them through.
Anyway I look forward to seeing you on here and as I have already said feel free to comment at any time or even just say hello if you like.
If you don’t want to comment or chat on open forum and don’t already have my email address it is
Love and Peace