Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Website is launched

Aye Aye landlubbers
Amid no great interest at all to the wider world the long overdue website “” is launched at last.
This website is designed to combine the three blogs (My ramblings and the two building renovation ones) as well as a new miscellaneous section, into one easy to use website that you are free to share with whoever you like. 
As well as regular updates on the building progress I fully intend to make more postings in my general blog area and will be happy to engage on whatever subject takes your fancy, without having to conform to many of the more open public forums rules or netiquette, which seem to be designed with the aim of protecting the meek and easily offended.
I trust that regular users of this site will be a bit more robust in their argument/debating abilities and wont have an attack of the vapours and flounce of in a hissy fit if disagreed with at any stage.
It isn’t like a forum in the true sense of the word and is more a place where I will chuck my ideas and opinions out into the ether and you can either sit there read it and nod your head in agreement (or shake it in disagreement) or if you have the inclination you can take the time to type out your views on my views and how they differ or don’t as the case may be and perhaps we can argue them through.
Anyway I look forward to seeing you on here and as I have already said feel free to comment at any time or even just say hello if you like.
If you don’t want to comment or chat on open forum and don’t already have my email address it is
Love and Peace

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